We are here to make the world better not bitter. Our essence of living is to be of great impact to the entire world. When we fail to meet up with God’s expectation of our being, we are worthless, our worth in life is doing what God has commanded us to do, and in fact the main purpose of our being is to change the world, to make this world a peaceable and habitable place for everyone.

Our peace and rest in life lies in the place God has marked out for us. Vision is the basis for our manifestation as sons of God. (Rom.8:19). The difference between victims and victors is vision. Life becomes a burden and unbearable when vision is lacked. (Proverbs 29:18) Vision is what gives bearing and value to life. A ‘vision-less’ life is a meaningless life. Joel 2:1 – 11.

If you are not pursuing something, something will be pursuing you. Activists are people who are comfortable but have much interest in the well being of the uncomfortable people around them thereby making them becoming more vibrant and active people who people love to see, hear and associate with at all times, and they have remained unforgettable even till death. You can’t afford to be dormant as only active people are remembered. You can’t be dormant and be remembered for your dormancy.

Vision is likened to a seed. (Luke 7:5 – 8, Matthew 13: 37 – 38).There are some vital procedures through which a seed has to pass through before it becomes a forest. The seed has to be preserved before sowing as there is a season to sow and a season to harvest that which is sown. Ecc. 3:1; Hab. 2:3

Having sown a seed, you have to tender it, protect it and nurture it, seeing to its total welfare to bring forth a bountiful harvest.

When we talk about vision, we are invariably talking about the future as vision is the pointer to a glorious future. No vision, no future.

Note these:

  • At age 10, you should have known right from wrong.
  • At age 20, you should have understood responsibility.
  • At age 30, you should have discovered and begun the pursuit of vision.
  • At age 40, you should be known for “something”.

If you don’t bother to discover you own place, then the future becomes unsure. Everything you ever need in life will forever be flowing to where you need them, for God is not a waster.

In conclusion, having known you place in the race of life, it is important also to know what to do to preserve it. Every vision is preserved and sustained by Compassion. Matt. 15:32. Your vision must be people oriented as the main intent of God in empowering the saints to take charge is to reach out to the forgotten ones. There is no way you can reach out to the people around you if you are not compassionate about them.

You will not miss it in Jesus name. (Amen)

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