Bible text: OBADIAH 1:21

[21] Deliverers will go up on Mount Zion to govern the mountains of Esau. And the kingdom
will be the Lord’s.


Children are the future of the family and the nation. If by some misfortune, people stop giving
birth, it will not be long before the world gets wiped out. How a nation turns out, the values a
nation has, depends on those who are children today and how they are raised. Those in
governance in all spheres of life were once children.


Children are God’s heritage and every child is a gift from God. They are precious to God and
he does not just send them to earth. He has a purpose and plan for each of them. Parents and
guardians are merely caretakers meant to propel children towards achieving God’s plans for their

There is a common saying that children are the leaders of tomorrow. The current leaders we
have today, no matter how old they grow, will one day die and those who are children today will
rise up to take the leadership mantle. This rise to leadership does not happen in the governance of
a nation alone. It happens in the family. Children grow up, leave their family, get married and
start their own family. They become leaders in their own family. Their children look up to them
and imitate what they do.

Likewise in the spiritual aspect. Those who are children today will one day grow to become
pastors, evangelists, preachers and so on.
In order to ensure the advancement of the kingdom of God and the world at large, parents and
guardians must ensure that they guide the children God has put in their care into the path of God
and imbibe good morals in them. They are never too young to start learning about what it takes
to serve God and what it takes to be a good human being. Doing this will ensure they become
Giants and not dwarfs in God’s sight.

Whatever rot that can be found in any society is possible because the children, who are
supposed to be kingdom Giants, were not adequately catered for. In order for the world to
become a better place, in order for children to fulfill God’s purpose for their lives, they should be
raised in such a way that in whatever sphere they play in in the future – finance, governance,
spiritual, law, medicine, and others – they will be Giants who will work towards the advancement


Father in Jesus Name, we pray that you help us in raising the children you have given to us.
That you help us in teaching them your ways. We pray that you help is in raising Kingdom
Giants and not drawfs. Lord, help us to raise children that will glorify your name. In Jesus Name
we pray. Amen.

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